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5 Ways to Fight the Flu

5 Ways to Fight the Flu

The flu is bad enough on its own. It doesn't help that flu season coincides with one of the most exciting times of year.

Follow these tips to avoid missing out on sporting events, Halloween parties, Thanksgiving feasts, and holiday fun:

Get the flu shot. It's the most effective way to avoid getting the flu. Getting vaccinated does more than just protect your health. It also benefits those around you because there is less chance that you will catch the flu and spread it to them.

Wash your hands thoroughly and frequently. Hand washing is an important line of defense against germs such as influenza viruses. Why? After receiving a flu vaccine, the body takes about two weeks to develop immunity — and even a vaccine isn't foolproof if a new strain of the virus emerges. Hand washing also protects against germs and illnesses for which there are no vaccines, such as the common cold.

  1. Wash your hands after using the restroom, coughing or sneezing, inserting or removing contact lenses, applying makeup, and eating, serving, or preparing food. The benefit of hand washing is that it provides simple protection. So, when you get home from school, the mall, the movies, or anywhere else where there are a lot of people, make it a habit to wash your hands.
  2. Stay away from anyone who is ill (coughing, sneezing, etc.). Flu viruses spread through the air, so avoid people who appear ill. Of course, people infected with the flu virus do not always appear sick. This is where vaccinations and hand washing come into play.
  3. It's also a good idea not to touch your nose, eyes, or mouth, as these are three places where flu viruses can enter the body.
  4. Cough and sneeze into a tissue or your elbow, not your hands. This prevents the virus from spreading when you touch surfaces that other people may also touch.
  5. If you have the flu, stay at home. You don't want to spread your germs to others. Staying at home allows you to curl up with your favorite movie, play video games, or read. Rest can help the body recover more quickly.

You can also fight the flu on a daily basis by strengthening your immune system. Some excellent immune boosters include:

  • obtaining adequate sleep
  • eating healthy foods (at least five servings of fruits and vegetables per day!)
  • consuming plenty of fluids
  • exercising on a regular basis
  • Don't let the flu ruin your autumn and winter activities. Return the favor!

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