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Alcohol's effects on internal organs


Alcohol's effects on internal organs

on the belly, action

Alcohol has a very hazardous effect on the stomach because it prevents it from producing enough of the natural digestive fluid and from absorbing the food that it may have imperfectly digested. An alcoholic will always experience a state characterized by a feeling of nausea, emptiness, prostration, and distention. This leads to a dislike of eating and is followed by a desire for more alcohol. As a result, dyspepsia, a persistent condition, is created. This technique is the source of the terrible types of confirmed indigestion.

how damage to the liver occurs.

The organic deteriorations brought on by prolonged alcohol use frequently have a fatal outcome. The liver is the organ that is affected by alcohol most frequently in terms of structural alterations. The liver can typically store active compounds in its cellular components. We examine the liver in cases of poisoning by different poisonous substances as though it were the main repository for the foreign matter. With regard to booze, it is essentially the same. Alcohol always has an effect on an alcoholic's liver, which is also frequently flooded with it. Proper dialysis and unrestricted secretion are hindered by the liver's tiny membranous or capsular structure. The liver enlarges as a result of tissue swelling, fluid matter accumulation, and dilated blood vessels. This occurs after the membrane contracts and the entire organ condenses into its constituent cells. Due to the veins' blockage of the returning blood, the lower body of the alcoholic then develops dropsia. Technically referred to as "fatty liver," the liver's structure may become loaded with fatty cells.

the progression of kidney disease.

The adverse effects of excessive alcohol consumption also affect the kidneys. The kidneys' vessels lose their ability to constrict with force and elasticity. They undergo fatty change to the tiny structures within. Their membranes are readily penetrated by blood albumin. As a consequence, the body gradually loses strength, as though it were slowly running out of blood.

obstruction in the airways.

As the lungs are the organs most susceptible to temperature changes, alcohol readily relaxes their blood vessels. They easily become congested when exposed to the impacts of an abrupt change in atmospheric temperature. An alcoholic is readily affected by the sudden fatal lung congestions that occur during harsh winters.

Alcohol affects the heart.

Alcohol use has a significant negative impact on the heart. The membraneous structures that surround and border the heart change in quality, becoming thicker, cartilaginous or calcareous. The valvular disease then becomes irreversible as the valves lose their flexibility. The structure of the large blood vessels going from the heart undergoes similar structural changes, which causes the blood vessels to lose their elasticity and capacity to supply the heart by recoiling from their distention after the heart has filled them with blood through a stroke.

Again, progressive changes in the tissue of the heart's muscle cause it to fail. Fatty cells substitute the components of the muscle fiber, or if not, they are transferred into a modified muscular texture with a significantly weaker contraction force.

The truth is so subtly revealed to those who experience these organic deteriorations of the controlling and central organ of blood circulation before the harm is already done. They are aware of a general lack of strength brought on by minor factors like overwork, difficulty, interrupted sleep, or an extended fast. They experience what they refer to as "sinking," but they are aware that alcohol or some other stimulant will immediately alleviate the feeling. Thus, they attempt to alleviate it until they eventually learn that the cure is ineffective. The worn-out, loyal heart can take no more from the jaded soul. Its time has passed, and the bloodstream governor is shattered. The current either overflows into the tissues, gradually damming up the courses, or completely stops at the center in response to a small shock or excessive motion.

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